All payments are non-refundable. * (*Except if the BTO or BTP cancels a course)
Fees for Changes are based on the booking type.
Specials (sale prices) will have extra conditions imposed above our standard conditions.
Any person/s unable to attend can, 76 hours prior to the course, must give notification that they cannot attend.
They have the option to re book for another date for the course in which they were booked in for.
Bookings for assessment are subject to two person minimum class size. Should only one person be booked in we reserve the right to move students to alternate days to meet minimum class sizes
A $150 booking fee will be charged for the following scenarios.
Failure to give notification will require the person to attend a course of a different day, as long as that day has available space.
Once a course is paid for or a gift certificate purchased, It is not our policy to refund payments for courses due to you no longer wanting to do a licence course.
Online boat licence courses are provided by a third party and therefore have a no refund policy.
Queensland Boat and Jetski Licence 2024
© Qld Boat and Jetski Licence 2024