
What happens on the day

  1. The on-line content MUST be completed prior to attending the training and assessment


  1. The on-line content MUST be completed prior to attending the training and assessment

There are two choices for on-line 



  1. The desired outcome is for everyone to achieve competency, to do this a theory component as well as a practical component are required to be passed.
  2. Every opportunity will be given to allow students to achieve the outcomes.
  3. Complete the online theory training before booking in for the practical training and theory assessment
  4. Once practical training and theory assessment are completed a final practical assessment will take place.
  5. This will entail driving the vessel to show your ability to manoeuvre the vessel through the required learned tasks without trainer assistance.
  6. The instructor will ask you to perform a required task then once completed will ask you to complete the next task and so on until all components of the assessment are completed
  7. If successful a certificate on competency will be provided. If unsuccessful retraining will be required and another final assessment will need to be done on a different day.
  8. The retraining and assessment will incur a fee.
  9. If the weather is not in our favour on the day training and assessments can be changed to another day to suit the conditions.
  10. The WEB site gives information and links to a number of marine relevant bodies to assist the student, i.e. MSQ, BOM, downloads, Tides etc.

Where to meet - QBJL trainers

Runaway Bay meet

This is where to park when we meet at the food court at Runaway bay Shopping centre.

Jasmine Ave Hollywell, at the Centenary Dr beachfront

Find a park along the Centenary Drive beachfront or adjoining streets.  

Boykambil esplanade boat ramp

We meet at the carpark on the small beach at the end of the Boykambil esplanade